The audacity to win
The audacity to win

the audacity to win

Preparation started the moment when Obama's campaign team started convincing him that he can be the next USA President if he is willing to take the risk regardless of his expertise and experience they are willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen. Winning requires preparations at its best: Obama was never the likely candidate for the Presendital Campaign at the early stage of the Democratic primaries. Everything was set, planned, written and followed religiously and this added a significant chunk to their winning motion from the general election campaign.

the audacity to win

The strategists made several decisions at the right time that helped Obama win including disagreeing with Obama on choosing Hillary Clinton as a VP candidate as David Axelrod and Plouffe thought Bill Clinton could be a liability. This strategy came in the form of a map which included everything from departmental campaign structure, logistics, organisational chart, Manning, media and news, technology and it reaches to voters, state by state operations and outreach, including relationship building with state elected officials, leaders and volunteers from Constituencies. Winning requires a Robust Strategy: The remarkable Obama's Campaign winning strategy was drawn up and lead by the best of the best at the time, David Axelrod a Veteran Politician and later a Senior Advisor to Obama, Robert Gibbs and David Plouffe author of this book. My top 5 takeaways from the Book "THE AUDATICTY TO WIN." Reading this books, I became aware and understood many lessons and success stories which any organisations, institutions or anyone can apply in building a path to success or creating a culture of excellence. I do not have any plans to get involved in the politics or run for a political post. This is how I knew the author of David Plouffe who shared an array of actionable suggestion to win campaigns but more importantly how one can create a culture of winning from A-Z. While doing my research, I learnt that for an underdog candidate back then Barack Obama to win a USA presidential race requires a substantial strategy lead by a world class team.

the audacity to win

I became interested in reading this book as I was watching closely the U.S.A Presidential Race 2016. This is the third book I have read this year. For 2017, I am on a mission to read 30 books, and I have chosen to share my personal learning points from some of these books.

The audacity to win